Barry Eversley


CEO of Lords Of Gaming, Host of Iron lords Podcast, LLC, and VR Platform Integrity Lead. Providing gamers a safe haven means the world to Barry “Lord Cognito” Eversley. Since the days of his youth where “Momma Cog” allowed him the opportunity to host MANY close friends for gaming nights in the South Bronx, he has always been a protector of gaming culture.

Now, Barry is focused on using gaming and fitness as tools for better mental health and suicide prevention. (new paragraph) “In 2019, I lost a very good friend and extended member of the ILP, Cory “Lord Whiskey” Lydick to suicide. His passing truly affected me as there weren’t too many warning signs. As gamers sometimes we tend to put up walls and not allow many into our deepest pains. I pride myself in using gaming as a tool to be inclusive and get many out of the darkest depressions at times we all go through.

  • Favorite Games and Franchises Destiny, Halo, Tekken, Xcom, Mass Effect